Thank you for your interest in Black Birthright. Please continue reading if you are a student, a parent, or an educator interested in learning more at one of our live, virtual information sessions. You can register for an information session using the button below.



What is Black Birthright?

Black Birthright is the journey of a lifetime for Black American students. In traveling to Africa, our Scholars learn their hidden history, experience the Continent’s rich culture and develop a stronger sense of self and purpose.

Who is eligible to participate?

Black Birthright is for Black American students who are in grades 8, 9, 10 or 11 at the time of application. All program criteria can be found on the Apply page of our website.

Please note that “American” in this context only refers to the student’s geographic location. Students are not required to be American citizens to participate in Black Birthright.

What are the program costs?

Black Birthright Scholars are required to pay a $1,500 program fee. This fee covers their participation in our year-long educational programming as well as their travel to Africa. Please note that it costs approximately $7,000 for each Scholar to participate in Black Birthright (including travel), but the majority of those costs are covered by The Tunstall Foundation. Detailed cost information can be found on the Costs page of our website.

Can parents / guardians / family members / friends travel with their Scholar?

No. The Black Birthright experience, including travel, is designed for the participating Scholar. We have a dedicated, long-standing team of professionals who are responsible for administering our program and leading our trips. You can learn more about us on the About page of our website.

Please note that if siblings / relatives / friends apply together and are all accepted into the program, they will travel together, but we make no promises or commitments that all applicants will be accepted.

When are the information sessions, what is the format, and what will be covered?

Information Session Dates:

Monday, January 29, 2024 at 9:00PM Eastern
Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 9:00PM Eastern
Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 12:00PM Eastern
Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 4:00PM Eastern


Virtual, via Zoom with a live presenter (Black Birthright program leadership)

Topics Covered:

  • Program background / purpose

  • Year-long educational programming prior to travel

  • Travel details (e.g. destination, itinerary, accommodations, logistics, safety, etc.)

  • Applicant criteria

  • Application walk-through

  • Meet the leadership

  • Live Q&A